The Rapture of The Church is nearly upon us - ARE YOU READY?
It is up to YOU TO HELP SPREAD THE GOSPEL OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST and do your part to help folks get Biblical Saved LORD JESUS CHRIST'S WAY.
Get your Salvation in Order because our time IN THE AGE OF GRACE is running out.
Millennial Rescue Ministries Mission is a Ministry that Proclaims and Spreads The Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to the Ends of The Earth. It is a Sincere Ministry in that its objectives is Five fold:
1) to teach folks about God's gift of Salvation through his son Lord Jesus Christ on the Millennial Rescue Ministries Website. There are 5 Steps that explain what being Biblical Saved is and how to be Saved as the Holy Bible describes.
2) to lead individuals to be Saved and to be Baptized as Jesus himself commands in the Holy Scriptures in order to be eternally saved.
In the Holy Scriptures we read what Lord Jesus Christ commands.
Mark 16:15 Context (KJV)
12 After that he appeared in another form unto two of them, as they walked, and went into the country. 13 And they went and told it unto the residue: neither believed they them. 14 Afterward he appeared unto the eleven as they sat at meat, and upbraided them with their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they believed not them which had seen him after he was risen. 15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. 16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.
3) to watch for the soon return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for his bride the Church in our generation. We see the End-Time signs of his return prophesied in Matthew 24 in the news, the sky and through the natural disasters we read about.
Did you know those of us who are watching for Jesus's return and living a righteous life will be rewarded a The Crown of Righteousness also called "The Watchers Crown".
4) To share the News in today's headlines regarding the End Times via other End Time Ministries and Social Media.
5) To fellowship with our Brothers and Sisters in Lord Jesus Christ sharing the scriptures we need to live by each and everyday to please God and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Life is not a game. It is to be taken very seriously. Each and everyone of us will stand before the Creator God to give an account to how we lived our life for God and Lord Jesus Christ SAVED or UNSAVED. That in itself IS THE TRUE MEANING OF LIFE - To BE SAVED, to Live our Lives in Righteousness and to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ to everyone who is NOT SAVED.
There are other Crowns we will earn according to Holy Scripture: They are as follows:
"The Incorruptible / Imperishable Crown" - given to those who consistently practice self-control and master the overcoming of temptations of the Sins of the flesh.
"The Crown of Righteousness" - given to those at the moment of their Salvation everyone receives the Righteousness of Lord Jesus Christ. Without Jesus's Righteousness we cannot be saved and enter into Heaven.
"The Crown of Life" - Every person who is Saved in Lord Jesus Christ receives The Crown of Life.
"The Crown of Rejoicing" - This Crown is given to those people who WIN Souls to Lord Jesus Christ getting them saved! Sharing in this Ministries Mission of leading people to Jesus Christ's Salvation will get you this crown! - PRAISE GOD & LORD JESUS CHRIST!
"The Crown of Glory" - Given to those who graciously, lovingly and faithfully feed, lead ,guide and oversee God's people.
There is so much God Rewards his Faithful - those who accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord & Savior and who gets fully submerged baptized in Lord Jesus Christ's name.
In summary, Ignorance (disbelief in God, or not caring either way) to not knowing what God demands of us will not be an excuse when we stand in judgement when we face the truth.
The WORLD is a place where it is doing its very best TO ELIMINATE THE EXISTENCE OF GOD in today's society by fostering ANYTHING GOES with no Obedience to God's Laws and expectations. Those that follow the World are LOST and that is WHY Millennial Rescue Ministries is here - To reach The Lost and misguided toward the Truth of Salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. It is a MESSAGE OF LOVE to bring folks to the Truth of Salvation. HATE is to keep people from the Truth of Salvation.
Please use this Ministry to GET FOLKS SAVED and WE ALL WILL SHARE IN ITS FRUITS! To God be The Glory of this Ministry in our Savior Lord Jesus Christ.